Sentence: which case did poirot solve (Start: (S[Agr +]: (NP[wh +]: (NP1[wh +]: (WhDet: 'which') (N: 'case'))) (Dop: 'did') (NP: (N: 'poirot')) (VP[wh +]: (Vtran: 'solve'))))@[0w:5w] Sentence: who solved the case (Start: (S: (NP: (N: 'who')) (VP[wh -]: (Vtran: 'solve+ed') (NP[wh -]: (NP1[wh -]: (Det: 'the') (N: 'case'))))))@[0w:4w] Sentence: which solution did poirot send to the police (Start: (S[Agr +]: (NP[wh +]: (NP1[wh +]: (WhDet: 'which') (N: 'solution'))) (Dop: 'did') (NP: (N: 'poirot')) (VP[wh +]: (Vtran1: 'send') (PP[wh -]: (P: 'to') (NP[wh -]: (NP1[wh -]: (Det: 'the') (N: 'police')))))))@[0w:8w] Sentence: which detectives solved the case (Start: (S: (NP[wh +]: (NP1[wh +]: (WhDet: 'which') (N: 'detective+s'))) (VP[wh -]: (Vtran: 'solve+ed') (NP[wh -]: (NP1[wh -]: (Det: 'the') (N: 'case'))))))@[0w:5w] Sentence: which solution did poirot believe that the detectives sent to the police (Start: (S[Agr +]: (NP[wh +]: (NP1[wh +]: (WhDet: 'which') (N: 'solution'))) (Dop: 'did') (NP: (N: 'poirot')) (VP[wh +]: (Vsbar: 'believe') (SBAR[wh +]: (Comp: 'that') (SBAR[wh +]: (NP[wh -]: (NP1[wh -]: (Det: 'the') (N: 'detective+s'))) (VP[wh +]: (Vtran1: 'sent') (PP[wh -]: (P: 'to') (NP[wh -]: (NP1[wh -]: (Det: 'the') (N: 'police'))))))))))@[0w:12w] Sentence: to whom did poirot send the solutions (Start: (S[Agr ?x]: (PP[wh +]: (P: 'to') (NP[wh +]: (NP1[wh +]: (WhPron: 'whom')))) (Dop: 'did') (NP: (N: 'poirot')) (VP[wh +]: (Vtran1: 'send') (NP1[wh -]: (Det: 'the') (N: 'solution+s')))))@[0w:7w] Sentence: which solution did poirot send the gun to the police No parses. Sentence: who solved No parses.